Connecting Braintree

How to connect Braintree

Connecting Braintree uses API Keys, if you have not had the values supplied to you, you will need a Braintree login with “Account Admin” access.


  1. To setup Braintree you will need:
    • Your Merchant ID
    • Public Key
    • Private Key
  2. If you don’t have these follow the below instructions 
    1. Login to Braintree via:
    2. Select Settings → API, Select “Generate API Key”.
      Tip! Don’t share API Keys between multiple systems.



Find the key just generated and click “View”:


Here you will get the values for your:

  • Merchant ID
  • Public Key
  • Private Key


Tip! If the connection fails, make sure “Environment” says “live”  unless you know you are in a sandbox environment.

3. The connection will be tested and you will be presented a green “Connected to Braintree” message, if there is an error with the connection


Our integration with Braintree offers several options:

  • Public Key: If you update your credentials
  • Private Key: If you update your credentials
  • [Currencies]: Braintree only allows you to collect payment in the currency of one of your merchant accounts. We provide you a list of each currency you have configured and allow you to select which merchant account to settle into (see below)
  • Require address (AVS): This will require customer enter their billing address

4. To add support for more currencies, go to Settings → Business


Here you can see the merchant accounts you have configured and add new ones. After adding a new one, return to the Braintree connection screen and the new merchant account will appear under its currency.


For example, to support AUD, add a merchant account in AUD (below is a test account screenshot, live will vary slightly).


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